Grade 5 - Early Civilizations


Here you will find links to the resources (handouts, overhead projector sheets, etc.) needed for the lessons listed on the Lesson Plans page.  These are not my own resources but resources I have acquired from other websites - see the Works Cited page for the links.

Lesson 3
Video Advance Organizer

Lesson 5
Artists in Ancient Times Rating Scale

Lesson 6
Group Work Checklist
World Map
Lesson 8
How to Plan a Seminar
Seminar Presentation Rubric - can be found here (page 81)

Lesson 9
Resource Sheet
Bloom's Taxonomy Words
Lesson 10
Fact Wheel Cover Sheet
Fact Wheel Research Sheet
Lesson 11
Ancient Civilizations Technology: Homes
Ancient Civilizations Technology: Roads
Ancient Civilizations Technology: Water

Lesson 12
Procedural Rubric - can be found
here (page 82)
Invention Flow Chart

Lesson 13
Group Work Agreement Sheet
Ancient Civilizations Chart
Group Organization Chart
Museum Exhibit Assignment

Lesson 15
Museum Display Rubric - can be found
here (page 83)
Ancient Civilizations Chart